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I go to Orange Coast College. I'm taking Sociology 185, Political Science 101, History 175, and Film 100. I work at Adams Ave. Donuts every Saturday and Sunday morning at 5am. I usually spend my time just hanging out with close friends of mine. Still making great memories with my friends that I will one day look back on and hopefully get to talk about it and share with all of them.

YOOOO good news everyone!

7:06 PM / Crafted by Anthony Connolly / comments for ant (3)

Whats up everyone! Sorry i haven't been on here much, just kind of been busy lately and just stopped going on, never really slipped my mind. Jim, your Vlog was hilarious, mom showed it to me when i went over there for easter and its why i'm back on here, haha.

Just wanted to tell everyone i got a promotion at work and now i work 30 hours a week. One of the weekday guys quit so i took his position. but i currently have school on some of his shifts on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. so instead of them just replacing that guy with someone who can take all of his shifts right now, Dave and Louise(they own the donut shop and are a married couple, the shop is technically Dave's, and he is the baker, and Louise is considered the manager but also has another side job)are going to fill in the empty shifts for me until i can take all of the shifts because they love me and are super nice and i am blessed to have them as boss's. so right now i work Monday and Wednesday mornings from 630-1130. and i work Friday from 630-4. and still work the weekends. i will only be working those long Fridays till may though because then another lady comes back and is going to work the afternoons. so when she takes 1130-4 on Friday it is also the time when i get out of school and i will take Monday-Friday 630-1130. and for maybe a month i will be working weekends also just to get up on my feet with money, and around half way through summer ill cut the weekends and just be working Mon.-Fri. 630-1130. 25 hours a week. $15-$30 tips everyday.

I'm just very excited because i wasn't making enough money only working weekends because that was only 10-12 hours a week and wasn't cutting it at all. now i have a set job that there is no way i can get fired because Dave and Louse are probably the nicest managers/boss's i could have ever asked for and i feel blessed to have them. they love me and appreciate everything i have done for them and i appreciate everything they have done for me. this month was my 3rd year there and i plan to work there until i'm done with community college. its just nice to have a financial plan in these rough times to take me though occ.

I love all of you and will try to be on here more!

next round.

4:13 PM / Crafted by Anthony Connolly / comments for ant (4)

well im going to start the new round of poll taking on the main blogs name, the top two names will be in the final poll. though im 100% positive something SNORT win. will still be fun. i have 3 classes tomorrow and a 30 min. break so im going to check out the library at the school to see how it all works and if i need to do anything before i can start checking out books, and hopefully i can just check out books right there. and then im going to see which books they have that chuck posted. i have a sociology test tomorrow so wish me luck! and i have a poli sci test weds. have no idea what the material is going to be on, all i have to go on is book chapters. so i dont know exactly what he wants us to know from the chapters but its not that big of a deal. well im off! -ANT


12:59 PM / Crafted by Anthony Connolly / comments for ant (9)

Well i got to work at 4:45 this morning and by 5:00 when we open we already had a line out the door and i was the only guy working the place. A person was supposed to come in at 5:00 but slept in, and another was supposed to come in at 5:30 but also slept in. So its 5:40 and the line is so rediculas by now because im making coffee, serving people, and trying to put the donuts out in the case and do the creamer and if im not helping a customer and am making more coffee or bringing out donuts that means theres a line of about 15 people just staring at me waiting to order. so finally someone comes in at 5:45 and then the other at 5:50. and then for the next 3 hours it was a constant "I can help the next customer in line". then after i cleaned the back up and got home, i got a call about the back flooding. so i drove back to work, cleaned up the flood, made sure someone was coming to come fix the pluming since water was just coming out from underneath the toilet. and now im home, rdy to start my day! woohoo.

my days.

12:26 AM / Crafted by Anthony Connolly / comments for ant (4)

well its late so ill just lay it all out there real quick. yesterday i went running with kevin and billy after political science. we ran a total of 5 miles to the beach and back, thats what we normally run when we go running even though its a new thing we do, its also going to be a new thing we will do for awhile so that will be a good habit to have. then i went to a fundraiser at lous bbq for a friend of mine to help raise money for her school project she is running she gets like 15% of the sales if you tell them you were there for the fundraiser. then today at school i started off with sociology and we got into groups and basically were assinged a project that isnt due till the last day of school but exchanged phone numbers and emails so basically well probably start doing stuff 10 weeks from now. and then i had history again today and just stared at the old man ramble some more, he moved the test one school day further also which he didnt say why which seemed weird because its not like he is explaining us the chapters in the book that the test is going to be on and just wants to explain it all before the test, he sits there and does jack shit for the class so i would just rather get the test over with. then later i had dinner with mom rob and jess and hous of pizza. was good. talked about the blog at dinner, haha, and why rob isnt on here, but sounds like he is coming on just needs to be invited again because his email is rediculy hard to type out correctly and didnt get the invitation. well ttyl, -ANT

my school day.

4:59 PM / Crafted by Anthony Connolly / comments for ant (7)

well i had a sociology test today. but i showed up with the wrong scantron to class, she said bring the "blue" scantron and said some numbers, and made a big deal about "BLUE" not teal, not red, not green, but BLUE, i remember her making this a big deal, so when i get to the student store i have like 10 min. to still get to class but the line to get to the cash registers is like waaaay long. so im looking though like 10 different scantrons to pick though so i can hurry and get in line before it gets any longer because today was like the first day classes actually started having tests so the line was rediculas. so i see one scantron and its the only blue scrantron. but it didnt have any numbers that she said earlier, but there were like  a bunch of random numbers on it so i was like uh, who cares, this is the only blue test. when i get back to class its the wrong scantron and i was already late, so i left the class, got the right scantron, which was a LIGHT BLUE/ TEAL! mine was PURE BLUE. but the test was pretty easy if you just read the chapters and answered the questions on the study guide, which i did! haha. and then after sociology i had history. my history teacher is about 80 years old i think and he just sits down there rambling about his wife and other pointless information that has nothing to do with his power point presentation the whole class. i sit there, along with 120 other students just staring at him the whole time because we dont know what he wants us to be doing since he isnt giving us any information that would help us study or information that would be on the test, so i just plan on reading the chapters by myself and taking notes and hopefully that will be enough for the tests. and then after that i went to film. we have these packets that have a bunch of fill in the blank questions and the whole period i have to be thinking of the next question on my paper so i dont miss the answer rather than actually enjoying the film as it is intended to be viewed, uuuhhhgg so annoying. and now im home. read everyones blogs, and made this one, haha, ttyl -ANT

not much of a blog person

2:35 PM / Crafted by Anthony Connolly / comments for ant (3)

I've tried to do blogs of myself in the past but they never continue for a long period of time. But this is a totally different blog since i have like 10 readers automatically and am basically not talking to myself. also will be a different experiance with all family reading this blog, will also change what i put in this blog since all of my family is going to read it, haha, anywaysss its only 230 and i havent really even  started my day yet, sad i know, but i got today off of school so i decided to sleep in. i just wanted to make this post so it looked like i had something since i just created my blog after reading everyones. im off to start my day, was planning on going running but it looks like its going to rain pretty hard, so we will see how that goes. i know this blog was pointless, my next ones will hopefully be more entertaining. ttyl. -ANT